lunedì, ottobre 23, 2006

Flash - Adding a symbol at the end of a dynamic text string

Embedding the movie clip in the dynamic text field

Another method was to embed the movie clip in the text field like so:

Headlines.htmlText = "

Here's a movie clip symbol:";

(Note: for the above to work, you have to publish at a minimum of Flash 7)

This was pretty neat, but had one problem for this exercise since I wanted the arrow to appear immediately after the text (not on the next line). “In general, an image embedded in a text field appears on the line following the tag. However, when the tag is the first character in the text field, the image appears on the first line of the text field.

Flash can use multiple fonts within one HTML-enabled field.

First I had to create two “dummy” dynamic textboxes. In one, I embedded fonts for Wingdings 3, Arial in the other. Then, this bit of ActionScript did the trick:

Headlines.html = true;
HeadlinesImport.text = "Hi"; // Remove this string for HeadlinesImport to receive the text from flashvars
Headlines.embedFonts = true;
Headlines.htmlText = "

" + HeadlinesImport.text + " u


Google Doc's & Spreadsheets

I like Docs & Spreadsheets! A few kinks to work out (like automatically publishing here -- it gives me a strange error), but it's really neat to be able to author in a Web app.

GIMP: A horrible acronym for a great graphics program

"GIMP," a terriible name that is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program:

It's a great (and free) rival to Photoshop.

sabato, ottobre 21, 2006

Ajax Newsletter Sign Up Tutorial

Seems like an interesting tutorial. It explains how to create a newsletter
sign-up section using Ajax.

IE7 Shortcuts

Here’s a list for those IE7 users who love keyboard short cuts.

t.y.p.o.r.g.a.n.i.s.m ASCII-O-Matic

This is neat!

Captivate 2

It looks as if it’s finally released.

“Adobe® Captivate™ 2 software enables anyone to rapidly create powerful and engaging simulations, software demonstrations, and scenario-based training without programming knowledge or multimedia skills.”

I'll have to take it for a 30 day test drive to see if it can export well to Flash 8.

Fiddler on the...uh...Browser Roof

Fiddler, as the site explains, is “a HTTP Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP Traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler is designed to be much simpler than using NetMon or Achilles, and includes a simple but powerful JScript.NET event-based scripting subsystem.”


Here’s an excerpt from the introduction to Fiddler on MSDN:

Have you ever found yourself wondering how Microsoft Internet Explorer interacts with your Web application? Have you encountered a strange performance bottleneck that you can't track down? Are you curious about which cookies are being sent, or what downloaded content is marked as cacheable?

Microsoft Fiddler can help you answer these questions, and many more. Fiddler is an HTTP debugging proxy that logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler enables you to inspect all HTTP traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler is much simpler to use than NetMon or other network debuggers because it exposes only HTTP traffic and does so in a user-friendly format.

Fiddler includes a simple but powerful Microsoft JScript .NET event-based scripting subsystem flexible enough to support a broad array of HTTP debugging tasks. Written in C# on the Microsoft .NET Framework, Fiddler is available as an unsupported PowerToy for Internet Explorer.