venerdì, febbraio 25, 2011

Do Codecs Matter?

Great blog post from Phones and tablets will determine the future.

“…The odds are against WebM for now. H264 is available on nearly any phone, tablet and settop out there and WebM isn't available on any device. Only after the launch of WebM hardware decoding can we expect to see announcements that can influence the uptake of WebM versus H264. Who will support WebM decoding? How good will it be (performance, streaming, protection) compared to H264? And who (besides Google) will dare dropping H264 decoding support?”

mercoledì, febbraio 23, 2011

Bacteria Will Replace Your Hardrive

Does this mean I could get food poisoning from my hard drive one day?


mercoledì, febbraio 16, 2011

When can I use...

A pretty exhaustive list!

“Compatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS3, SVG and more in desktop and mobile browsers.”  

Is IE9 a modern browser? (No)

A harsh stance on whether IE9 is a modern browser:

martedì, febbraio 15, 2011

Seeing Red

A very cool data visualization of Obama’s 2012 Budget Proposal courtesy of the New York Times.



mercoledì, febbraio 02, 2011

Bing Copying Microsoft's Search Results

Pretty damning evidence from the Google Blog:

By now, you may have read Danny Sullivan’s recent post: “Google: Bing is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results” and heard Microsoft’s response, “We do not copy Google's results.” However you define copying, the bottom line is, these Bing results came directly from Google.