venerdì, luglio 27, 2007

Simple ASP for Querying an Access Database

An oldie, but a goodie.  (I know, I know: .NET. I need to go to .NET)


'declare variables

Dim sConnString, connection, sSQL, rs

'define the connection string, specify database

'driver and the location of database

sConnString="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

"Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("MyDB.mdb")

'create an ADO connection object

Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'Open the connection to the database


sSQL = "SELECT * FROM MyTable"

'Implicitly create a recordset object with the

'results of this query

set rs = connection.Execute(sSQL)

Do WHile Not rs.EOF

                response.write rs("DB_Field_Name")

                rs.MoveNext   'Move to the next record


' Done. Close the connection object


Set connection = Nothing