BH took some great notes on a seminar given by
Tutorials and Source Code examples:
Pattern Resources:
Audio Clip Resources:
Resource Central (from Adobe Labs?)
Video Encoding Hints:
Less pixel change over time as possible
D1 professional is better quality than DV
Data Rate Calculation: width x height x color depth x fps
------------------------------------------- = data rate
Compression value
Preferences in Flash CS3:
Drawing Preferences:
Enable “Show Pen Preview” to show Bezier curve BEFORE laying down an anchor point
Enable “Show Precise Cursors”
Edit / Keyboard Shortcuts:
Hint: use number pad to set shortcuts since these are not mapped by default
Locking layers in Flash CS3:
CTRL + Click on layer lock will lock all layers in one click
ALT + Click on layer will lock every layer except layer clicked
Registration Point:
Rotation happens around this point
Registration pt by default is placed in the center of a symbol
Double click to place on the reg pt location that object is built around (within the symbol itself)
Hold Alt while clicking on a point adjacent to reg point and rotating (Q) will allow you to rotate around pt opposite of reg pt
Windows / Other Panels / History
Processes are listed as you perform them
Select all the actions you like to include in “macro”
Right click and “Save as Command”
Under Commands menu select the Command to apply to other instances or objects
Copy Motion
Tweens can be copied to multiple instances without having to tween each individual object
Right click on MC symbol within Library allows option for “Enable buttons for 9 – slice scaling”
When sizing buttons, the corner radius will stay the same when a buttons scale or dimensions are changed, instead of being stretched or radius increased / decreased
Save as Template
Allows you to use fla file with objects as a default starting point
You can break apart most the FLV components such as volume and playback sliders
Simply apply a skin look to FLV component (AS3)
A folder is added to library which references skins which you can modify
Note: I also saw an option to define an external skin URL (good for our software design updates)
Look into Tween Class in AS3 for coding different styles of motion
“onComplete” with regards to FLV Playback can be modified to look for next FLV