lunedì, settembre 22, 2008


This company seems really interesting. They are also currently working with to transcribe voicemails! (Which is how I learned about them.) So far, I’d give them about 60% accuracy on my voicemails…but it’s pretty intriguing.

YAP is an automated platform that INSTANTLY CONVERTS ANYTHING YOU SAY on your cell INTO TEXT, for messaging, voicemail, or web services. As an example for how Yap's patent pending system could be leveraged, we allow you to easily send text messages by simply speaking them into a mobile application…. other creative use cases: send wall posts to your friends on Facebook, tell them where you are on Twitter, find the nearest sushi using Google, get info on the latest movie from Yahoo!, read the latest news, research something on Wikipedia, check out fresh videos on YouTube, or search Amazon/eBay for more gear.”