giovedì, febbraio 26, 2009

Mars in 3-D

From Nasa: Mars in 3-D

This first of its kind three-dimensional picture of Mars' north pole, taken in 1999, enables scientists to estimate the volume of its water ice cap….

martedì, febbraio 24, 2009

Skype strikes deal with Nokia

Interesting…I wonder how the phone companies will feel about this?

venerdì, febbraio 20, 2009

Schlage's LiNK Device Puts Locks Online

Pretty cool – I wonder how well Keyless Entry Security works?

Why Facebook Is for Old Fogies

Pretty funny: Time Magazine published a list describing why they feel Facebook is for Old Fogies.

martedì, febbraio 17, 2009

Daily SEO Tip and Search Engine Detective

Daily SEO Tip

A great blog that provides a new SEO tip or tutorial every day.


The Pandia Search Engine Detective

“The Pandia Search Engine Detective is Pandia's resource section for search engine intelligence. Here we list the best search engine oriented sites and blogs on the Internet.”

Did Adobe snub Apple with FlashPlayer 10, Palm Pre, and Development Fund announcements?

Matt F. linked to this interesting article the other day.

“Just now Adobe announced lots of mobile phone news. More on that in a second. But what wasn’t announced?

No iPhone support for Flash yet.”

venerdì, febbraio 13, 2009

At the third stroke, the Unix time will be 1234567890

Matt M. pointed out this article from the Times Online.

“…At precisely 23:31:30 GMT tonight (Friday), the ten-digit clock used by Unix computers - which includes the servers that run everything from the internet to air traffic control - will display all ten decimal digits in sequence.”

Lita - SQLite Administration Tool

Lita is an administration interface for SQLite databases. Pretty neat! Especially if I want to actually see what I’ve created in ActionScript.

De MonsterDebugger: a Flash, Flex and AIR Debugger

This seems like it could be a useful tool. From the Adobe AIR Marketplace:

“De MonsterDebugger is an open source debugger for Adobe® Flash™, Flex™ and AIR™. Made using Flex™ and AIR™ and maintained by Dutch design studio De Monsters. With De MonsterDebugger you can explore your live application, adjust properties and run methods all at runtime. You can trace objects of any type to De MonsterDebugger and it will show the complete structure of that object in an easy-to-read tree structure.”

I also ran across a nice video at  showcasing a sample session.

lunedì, febbraio 09, 2009

Burndowns and Flareups in Agile Design

Adapative Path has an interesting article regarding SCRUM/Agile and User Interface Designers.



venerdì, febbraio 06, 2009

Math and XSLT

Wow, I had no idea XSLT could perform math functions!

“XSLT's full support of XPath's math capabilities lets you do all the basic kinds of arithmetic and a little more.”

giovedì, febbraio 05, 2009

Layer Style And Layer Mask Interaction

MB pointed out a great tip available at  entitled “Layer Style And Layer Mask Interaction.”

“In this Tips & Tricks tutorial I'm going to show you a neat little trick involving layer styles and the way they relate to layer masks.”

mercoledì, febbraio 04, 2009

Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate Now Available

Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate Now Available

I wonder how long it will be until they release the final product?



Can the search engines tell who you are?

I was reading this article on Pandia and thought it was pretty interesting:

“It is still difficult for search engines to exactly pinpoint your identity as a user, but by using various techniques they can learn a lot about you.”

martedì, febbraio 03, 2009

Multicolr Search Lab

This is a fun utility!

 “We extracted the colours from 10 million of the most “interesting” Creative Commons images on Flickr. Using our visual similarity technology you can navigate the collection by colour.”

lunedì, febbraio 02, 2009

Is "Jailbreaking" a Smartphone Legal?

I thought this was interesting. LegalZoom has written an article detailing the current legalities of “jail breaking" your phone.

Smartphone manufacturers haven't filed any lawsuits against individuals who have hacked their phones or against those who develop the third-party applications, but some cell phone carriers have threatened legal action against consumers who jailbreak their phones, possibly alleging breach of contractual provisions because of the use of certain applications.

That said, the process of jailbreaking your own smartphone doesn't appear to be illegal in and of itself as you do own the phone and its software under the licensing agreement. The EFF, though, wants the law made clear that there is no copyright violation involved, so it is turning to the US Copyright Office for help.
