venerdì, luglio 31, 2009

Passing parameters to Adobe AIR at startup

I was just reading a great blog entry at Spreading Funkyness. It appears it is possible to pass an AIR application parameters as it starts up.
private function handleOnInvoke(event:InvokeEvent):void {
           trace("arguments: "+ event.arguments.toString());
           feedbackText.text = "arguments: " + event.arguments.toString();

mercoledì, luglio 29, 2009

Archos 9 PC tablet

martedì, luglio 28, 2009

How To Hijack 'Every iPhone In The World'

Augmented reality coming to iPhone with iPhone OS 3.1

Awesome! From Ars Technica: Augmented reality coming to iPhone with iPhone OS 3.1!

“Developers should be able to use official APIs in iPhone OS 3.1 to create so-called "augmented reality" apps for the iPhone 3GS, according to comments from one developer. Already, developers are trying to find uses for such apps.”


Using SharedObject across SWFs

There’s a great article on describing how to use Shared Objects to share data between two SWFs:

“…you must specify an additional parameter to the getLocal() method call to tell it to save the SharedObject in a folder location accessible by both applications.”

var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal( "mySO", "/" );

venerdì, luglio 24, 2009

Twitter 101 for Business

Twitter released Twitter 101 for Business. Probably not anything too revolutionary, but if anyone is pondering Twitter as a communication channel for business, there are a few best practices and case studies that might be interesting.

mercoledì, luglio 22, 2009

Flash on Twitter - 85 essential people and topics

Use Flash and Twitter? If yes, you might want to follow a few of the folks mentioned in this list compiled at

Microsoft Office 2010 Product Blogs

FYI, here is a nice list of the Microsoft Office 2010 product blogs. I’m particularly intrigued by the OpenXML/Office Extensibility blog.

martedì, luglio 21, 2009

Online/Offline Detection in Flash

I am working on a project where I would like Flash to be able to determine whether the browser is serving content over HTTP or on the user’s local drive.

I actually found the key bit of code for this from a great resource that BH has sent out a few times: Mr. Doob!

I expanded his code to redirect to a file depending on what environment it believes it is in:

var localMode : Boolean = loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file") == 0;


var serverMode : Boolean = loaderInfo.url.indexOf("http") == 0;



if (localMode == true) {



if (serverMode == true) {




function loadPlayerInterface(myFileName:String):void {

       var url:String = myFileName;   

       var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);   

       try {

              navigateToURL(request, '_parent');   

       } catch (e:Error) {       

              trace("Error occurred!");   




Reading about (Aardvark) on NPR. It uses existing social networks to connect people who have questions to people who might be able to answer. Seems like an interesting idea.

venerdì, luglio 17, 2009

Change your default Save As folder in Office

You may already know this, but I was just reading a nice explanation of how to change the default save as locations in Office.

giovedì, luglio 16, 2009

NASA High Definition Video Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video

This seems like a fun bit of Multimedia to bookmark.

mercoledì, luglio 15, 2009

SharePoint 2010

OA was just pointing out this great article hinting that SharePoint 2010 will be a substantial and worthwhile upgrade: “The Curtain Rises (Just a Bit) on SharePoint 2010.”

Sounds like it might be fun!

lunedì, luglio 13, 2009

Social Media Policy Guidelines

Interesting…this short article illustrates how a few companies govern the behavior of their employee’s comments on social networks.


Google's Microsoft Moment

I was just reading a great article by Anil Dash: “Google's Microsoft Moment.” He illustrates a great many parallels to how Google’s corporate culture is shifting as Microsoft’s did years ago.

“This is, for lack of a better term, Google's "Microsoft Moment". This is the point when the difference between their internal conception of the company starts to diverge just a bit too far from the public perception of the company, and even starts to diverge from reality. At this inflection point, the reasons for doing new things at Google start to change.

mercoledì, luglio 08, 2009

2 DOS Tips

Yes, DOS tips! From the command prompt, of course.

Tip 1: How to deal with “CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories”

This drives me crazy. However, the solution from is quite simple:

The solution is to use pushd instead of cd to change the current directory to a share accessed via a UNC path (e.g.: >pushd \\myserver\myshare).
Use popd when done.

Tip 2: Create a recursive list of files

I love this tip from The following command displays a recursive list of files from the current directory.

dir /A:-D /B /S

mercoledì, luglio 01, 2009

Traverse the DOM and Avoid Using innerHTML

I thought this was an awesome tutorial about some of ways to traverse the DOM and avoid using innerHTML.

“The focus of this article will be to show you ways of doing things commonly reserved for innerHTML with only DOM methods. In each example, the innerHTML method will be shown, followed by its DOM based alternative.”

How Many Facebook Users Will Go Public?

An interesting article from Business Week.

“Facebook now asks users if they want their comments open to the public. So far, few do—but marketers are salivating at the potential.”