giovedì, ottobre 29, 2009

Using VBScript to Minimize, Restore, Maximize, and Close Windows

A useful code snippet courtesy of Google Groups:


set shell = createobject("") "about:blank"


wscript.sleep 2000

success = shell.appactivate("about:blank")

if success then shell.sendkeys "% n"  '...minimize


wscript.sleep 2000

success = shell.appactivate("about:blank")

if success then shell.sendkeys "% x"  '...maximize


wscript.sleep 2000

success = shell.appactivate("about:blank")

if success then shell.sendkeys "% r"  '...restore


wscript.sleep 2000

success = shell.appactivate("about:blank")

if success then shell.sendkeys "%{F4}"  '...maximize