Another interesting development in the rush to HTML5. Scribd, a massive document sharing site based on Flash is converting Scribd’s to HTML5 using Scalable Vector Graphics, Canvas, and Web fonts. From
“Jared Friedman, cofounder and CTO of Scribd–the site that lets anyone upload almost any document and publish it to the Web–was among the last keynote speakers at the Web 2.0 Conference in San Francisco today. And he had big news (teased yesterday on TechCrunch): Scribd is dumping Flash and converting the millions of documents it hosts to HTML5.”
I thought Scribd’s document explaining their reasoning to move to HTML5 well done, actually…and easily digestible for a mass audience.
Also, this comment from “EvilDave” on the article cracked me up:
“And even if HTML 5 'takes off' and gets widespread support, all of the most annoying ads and garbage that pollute web pages that are blamed on Flash now, will be made of HTML 5, except instead of being able to 'block' a plugin like Flash, the annoying, noise-making, dancing, flashing ad will be in thirty layers of CSS muck that no simple filter will be able to remove it from without breaking the site.”