lunedì, agosto 29, 2011

Paths and URL Fragments from the HttpRequest Object

Steve Lautenschlager has an awesome article on the properties of the request object. I’m reposting a few of his examples for my own reference, but I highly recommend checking out his article:


Examples based on the following URL: http://localhost:96/Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx?q=item

Request.ApplicationPath: /Cambia3

Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath: /Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx

Request.FilePath: /Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx

Request.Path: /Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx

Request.PhysicalApplicationPath: D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CambiaWeb\Cambia3\

Request.QueryString: /Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx?query=arg

Request.Url.AbsolutePath: /Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx

Request.Url.AbsoluteUri: http://localhost:96/Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx?query=arg

Request.Url.Host: localhost

Request.Url.Authority: localhost:96

Request.Url.LocalPath: /Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx

Request.Url.PathAndQuery: /Cambia3/Temp/Test.aspx?query=arg

Request.Url.Port: 96

Request.Url.Query: ?query=arg

Request.Url.Scheme: http

Request.Url.Segments: /





mercoledì, agosto 24, 2011

Adobe AIR Color Picker

Handy Adobe AIR color picker.


lunedì, agosto 22, 2011


From TechCrunch: “Developers pass their JavaScript application’s through Proxino’s proxy server, which automatically wraps each part of the application with code that generates exception reports, so they get pinged any time a user’s browser has an issue.”


These Bootstraps Were Made for Walkin

Sounds cool. From Twitter: “We are happy to announce Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. It uses some of the latest browser techniques to provide you with stylish typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation and everything else you need in a super tiny (only 6k with gzip) resource.”


venerdì, agosto 19, 2011

HTML 5 Test

Fun. I’ll bet hardly any browser gets a particularly high score.



venerdì, agosto 12, 2011

Article: Mobile Video 3 Ways to Improve the User Experience

Great article on Mashable by Jeroen Wijering. Definitely one of the people I listen to about web video.


lunedì, agosto 01, 2011

Adobe Edge

I tend to agree with the comments in the thread below taking place in the @Adobe Forums about the new Adobe Edge and the future of Adobe Flash. There’s a place for both products, really.


More than HTML5

Pretty impressive.