venerdì, settembre 26, 2008

Adobe AIR Humor

I was reading some documentation and was amused by the highlighted item:

“You can keep a window in front of other windows by setting its alwaysInFront property to true. If more than one window has this setting, then the display order of these windows is sorted among each other, but they are always sorted above windows which have alwaysInFront set to false. Windows in the top-most group are also displayed above windows in other applications, even when the AIR application is not active. Because this behavior can be disruptive to a user, setting alwaysInFront to true should only be done when necessary and appropriate.”

“Note: AIR does not enforce proper use of the alwaysInFront property. However, if your application disrupts a user’s workflow, it is likely to be consigned to that same user’s trash can.”